Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Skin Care Starting Young

After a few day rested, I dont know what to wrote in this blog... so Today, after I have done some research i want to spoke about Age Defiying...

Many of us nowdays tend to ignore the importance of caring for our skin. It is crucial to start nurturing the habit of at least taking the 3 simple steps to keep our skin healthy.....cleanse, tone and moisturize. There are many dermatologically tested product in the markets that cater for men and women of various age groups; teenage years, 20s, 30s, and 40 above which differs by range to suit skin types and requirements of respective ade groups.

Apart from that, many of us are not aware of the effects of global warning on our skin and forget that sunscreen is indeed one of the essentials for face and body care to protect our skin from premature aging besides blocking harmful UV rays. The effects of aging will appear on our skin as we age but it goes unnoticed until we reach a certain age. As we mature, biochemical change occur in elastin and collagen; this is when our skin starts to lose its elasticity and firmness, thus making our skin drier. This will cause our skin to sag and look less supple which will ultimately lead to wrinkles!

Skin-aging can be slowed down. This furtehr works well if you do your part to pamper your skin at a younger ade and go on practising the habit as you mature. All it takes is a little bit of effort but it requires you to start young!

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