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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Smoking Dangerous to Family

If you area a family man especially, smoking has really serious consequences to your family members...
  1. Exposure to second hand smoke which is two times more risky/hazardous than first hand smokers.
  2. Children usually imitate adults whether consciously or subconsciously. They are likely to pick up your bad habit later in life.
  3. Starting with smoking at home, children may then experiment with drugs which are more challenging. Challenging in a sense that is harder to obtain drugs because cigarettes could be obtained by children from you at home.
  4. Smoking impairs sports performance due to rapid heartbeat and decreased circulation. From there, intimate relationship could also effected.
  5. Smoking during pregnancy passes nicotine and cancer-causing drugs to your baby. Smoking also keeps your baby from getting essential nourishment and raises the risk of stillbirth and premature birth.

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