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Monday, March 31, 2008

Maths prodigy who won an Oxford place at 13 is now a £130-an-hour HOOKER

1997: Sufiah on her first day at Oxford with her father and sister Aisha

With the intellect to win a place at Oxford at the age of 13, Sufiah Yusof should, by now, be carving out a high-flying career for herself.But a decade after hitting the headlines thanks to her remarkable aptitude for mathematics - and days after her father was jailed for sexually assaulting two teenagers - Miss Yusof has been exposed as a £130-an-hour prostitute.The revelation completes a sad fall from grace for the family who were hailed the brightest in Britain after Miss Yusof and two of her siblings won university places by the time they were 16.Calling herself Shilpa Lee, 23-year-old Miss Yusof advertises her body on an internet sex site and operates out of a back street flat in Salford. Yesterday, a friend of the former child prodigy said of her downfall: "It is all desperately heartbreaking.

"With her amazing brain she should be able to make money any way she wants. But instead her life spiralled completely out of control."Sufiah has suffered so many knocks in her life. I just hope she can drag herself out of this life she has got herself into."She is such a good person and deserves a much better life than this. Her gift really has been a curse."

On the website, she describes herself as a '"very pretty size 8, 32D bust and 5ft 5in tall - available for booking every day from 11am to 8pm".
She adds that she is a "sexy, smart student" who prefers "older gentlemen". When an undercover reporter visited her at the flat, Miss Yusof stripped naked and gyrated on a bed as she reeled off her list of services.

Miss Yusof was pictured as a child smiling innocently outside St Hilda's College, Oxford, after winning her place to study maths in 1997. But she ran away three years later, aged 15, claiming her parents had placed her under intolerable pressure to succeed. She was found by police 12 days later working as a waitress at a Bournemouth Internet cafe but refused to return to her parents, who had given up their jobs to educate their five children at home.
Miss Yusof was taken in by a foster family and shortly afterwards sent a searing email to her parents, documenting the "living hell" she said her father - a private tutor - had created.She wrote: "I've finally had enough of 15 years of physical and emotional abuse."She accused her "controlling and bullying" father of forcing her to work in the cold to aid concentration and added that she never wanted to see him again.

In 2004, she married trainee lawyer Jonathan Marshall, but the couple divorced 13 months later.In January, the Daily Mail revealed that her father Farooq had been remanded in custody after admitting sexually assaulting two girls, both aged 15.Appearing under his real surname of Khan, he was jailed for 18 months at Coventry Crown Court last week after a judge heard how he had groped the two girls when he was home tutoring them at maths.He had previously been jailed for three years in 1992 for his part in a £1.5million mortgage swindle involving several family members.

Yesterday the News of the World described how Miss Yusof was armed with three mobile phones as she welcomed an undercover reporter who was posing as a client at her flat.The once strict Muslim stripped out of her tiny skirt, leather boots, tight T- shirt and red matching underwear as she detailed her £130-an-hour rate.She claimed to be studying for a masters degree in economics on a part-time two-year course in London and added: "I've got exams coming up and I'm thinking, 'Oh my God!'."

Yesterday, her mother, Halimahton, 51, a scientist, said she had no idea her daughter was working as a prostitute.Speaking from her home in Coventry, Mrs Yusof said: "I didn't know anything about that. I am not in touch with Sufiah any more. I have got no comment."Miss Yusof's brother, Iskander, aged 12, and sister Aisha, 16, started at Warwick University in 1998, making them the youngest brother and sister to study together at university at the time.

2004: She marries Jonathan Marshall

p/s: How this can happened? I mean why her mother didn't want to take note what her daughter have been doing? what happened to this family actually...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Natural Skin Care Tips

Skin, the largest human organ is often overlooked as we busy ourselves with the hustles and bustles of life. We actively take care of our heart, muscles, lungs and joints with exercising regimens and extremely careful eating habits, but more often than not, our skin is neglected! Wrinkles, premature skin aging and acne are just some of the few things which can create trouble if we do not care for our skin properly! Some are quite ignorant on how to care for their skin, but fear not and follow us as we take you through 5 steps on how to care for your skin.

Dry Brush Exfoliation

Dry Brush Exfoliation is done using a soft, dry brush to gently brush the skin. It is recommended to remove dead skin cells, improve circulation of blood and lymph while enhancing detoxification through skin! Dry brush exfoliation can be done in the morning before showering.

What goes in must come out!!!

Having a good digestive system will give you healthier looking skin. More often than not, people with skin disorders often suffer from constipation and various digestive conditions. The two most sluggish digestion culprits are:

  • Insufficient water - Water in your body bathes cells and eliminates waste products, thus preventing constipation.
  • Lacking in fibre - Most people lack fibre in their diets as an average person only consumes 12 g of fibre a day. It is recommended that men aged 10 to 50 take fibre amounting to 38g and for men over 50, 31g of fibre is recommended. For women aged 19 to 50, 25g of fibre is recommended. For women over 50, consuming 21g of fibre is ideal.
Below are some suggestions of what you should eat:

  • Whole grain instead of refined products.
  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away, so start consuming the apple!
  • Consume more cauliflower
  • For a simple fibre boost, sprinkle some ground flaxseeds on rice, salads, oatmeal or any other meal.
Get that body Moving!!

The best thing you can do for your skin, stress level and health is to get moving. Inactivity may affect skin and promote bloating, puffiness, acne, cellulite and loss of muscle tone. So do take the time to do some light exercise. Especially if your job requires you to sit at your desk for hours and only getting up to go to the bathroom!

Sugar is BAD

The main cause of premature aging is sugar and many people do not realize this! The more sugar we consume, there will be more sugar entering our bloodstream. And as time goes by, this will result in something known as glycation where glucose(sugar) molecules damage protein molecules by bonding to them! These new molecules are identified as ADVANCED GLYCATION ENDS or AGEs. AGEs damage collagen in cartilage, skin and ligament which promote loss of elasticity. When this happens, wrinkles are formed and your skin begins to sag!

The good fat!!!

Essential fatty acids are simply fats which are vital for your well-being. Fatty acids make up cell membranes, hormones and other body chemicals. This fat keeps your heart healthy, fight inflammation and can also possibly prevent cancer! Essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with conditions such as eczema, dry skin and acne. So to get more essential fats, follow the tips below:

  • Flaxseed oil or walnut oil with balsamic vinegar is ideal to accompany salad dressing, providing the essential fats. But its, not suitable for Muslims.
  • Sardines and salmon are also good sources of essential fats.
  • Fish oil supplements are one of the simpler supplements that can be taken for essential fats.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Biomagnetic Theraphy

I've got some requested to put this health product here... But today i don't want to discuss it yet... I will discuss this issue after i finish my last article... so here are some about the Bio magnetic Therapy.... if one of you want to try it, please do not hesitate to contact me..

Bio magnetic

Bio magnetic
therapy is an alternative form of healing that has been in existence for over 100,000 years. The Ancient Greeks discovered the very first natural magnet in the form of the lodestone, and Hippocrates, the father of medicine, noted its healing powers.

Unlike the United States, Japan, China, India, Austria, and Germany all are advanced in the field of magnetic therapy. The United States does, though, use magnets in complex machines to help better understand the body and brain, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which uses magnetic fields to formulate 3-D images of the brain, and electroencephalographs (EEG), which look at the electrical activity of the brain. But, as for bio magnetic therapy being used as a form of healing, the medical field is not yet completely convinced of its success. As time goes by though, more and more American studies, however, are confirming the value of magnetic therapy


They claim that how bio magnets work is based upon the body's make up of cells and how they interact. The explanation: All cells that are alive are electrical; that is the outside of a cell has a negative charge and the inside, a positive charge. This combination of opposite charges allows the cell to function normally. When a part of the body becomes damaged, such as the body's tissue, the damaged area responds with inflammation, which is caused by a lack of blood flow. This lack of blood flow blocks the body's natural ability to provide oxygen and nutrients to the injured cells. Thus, the polarity of the cells gets out of whack. The role bio magnets play in aiding damaged tissue is based upon the belief that magnets can realign the cell's polarity, which helps the cell get back to functioning normally. They claim that an increase in the diameter of the body's blood vessels is also an affect of using a bio magnet on damaged tissue. This enlargement allows more blood, carrying rich nutrients and oxygen, to flow to the injured area and leave with tissue's toxins.

They also say that the magnet's energy has been described as a catalyst, which speeds up biological processes and enables the body to heal itself and ease pain. This catalyst stimulates blood circulation, allowing more oxygen to be distributed all over the body. For any enquiry about bio magnetic health card & magnetic jewelry from TOTAL POWER please go to this website:

Skin Care Starting Young

After a few day rested, I dont know what to wrote in this blog... so Today, after I have done some research i want to spoke about Age Defiying...

Many of us nowdays tend to ignore the importance of caring for our skin. It is crucial to start nurturing the habit of at least taking the 3 simple steps to keep our skin healthy.....cleanse, tone and moisturize. There are many dermatologically tested product in the markets that cater for men and women of various age groups; teenage years, 20s, 30s, and 40 above which differs by range to suit skin types and requirements of respective ade groups.

Apart from that, many of us are not aware of the effects of global warning on our skin and forget that sunscreen is indeed one of the essentials for face and body care to protect our skin from premature aging besides blocking harmful UV rays. The effects of aging will appear on our skin as we age but it goes unnoticed until we reach a certain age. As we mature, biochemical change occur in elastin and collagen; this is when our skin starts to lose its elasticity and firmness, thus making our skin drier. This will cause our skin to sag and look less supple which will ultimately lead to wrinkles!

Skin-aging can be slowed down. This furtehr works well if you do your part to pamper your skin at a younger ade and go on practising the habit as you mature. All it takes is a little bit of effort but it requires you to start young!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Nicotine Gum & Nicotine Inhaler

Nicotine Gum

Another substitute for nicotine patch is nicotine gum. Just like the patch, it also contains nicotine. Your mouth tissues absorb the nicotine to enter your blood stream. The dosage for nicotine gum is either 2 or 4 mg. The gum comes in different flavours just like regular chewing gums. It has a tingling sensation and the nicotine could last up to 30 minutes

Nicotine Inhaler

Nicotine Inhaler is not so commonly used but also aids the cessation of smoking. Unlike most perceptions, it does not have the effect of second hand-smoke. It is used in an odourless vapour form and is usually used for people who do not want to quit but could not smoke for an extended period of time due to restrictions.

Nicotine Patches

Nicotine patch works like cigarette where it contains nicotine. Instead of smoking, it is a patch on one's skin. It usually comes in 3 types:
  1. 21 mg
  2. 14 mg
  3. 7 mg

A cigarette contains 1 mg and if a smoker smokes a pack (20 cigarettes) per day, he or she should start with type 1 which is 21 mg. After recommended 6 weeks and when their addiction becomes less severe, they should then move on to type 2 which is 14 mg for two weeks and the final type for another two weeks. Sooner or later and if determined, the addiction will wear off and voila!!!! you are a brand new "identity".


Due to the nature of the patches which contain nicotine; one should consult a doctor or a pharmacist before using them.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Quit Smoking & feel the diffrence

  • Within 20 minutes during recovery - your blood pressure, pule rate and the temperature of your hands and feet will all return to normal.
  • Within 12 hours during recovery - your blood oxygen level will have increased to normal as well as your carbon monoxide levels.
  • Within 48 hours during recovery - damaged nerve ending have started to regrow and your sense of smell and taste return to normal.
  • Within 72 hours during recovery - your body will test 100% nicotine free and you can also expect the symptoms of chemical withdrawal to have peaked in intensity
  • 10 days to 2 week during recovery - your body has been physically adjusted to function again without nicotine.
  • 2 week to 3 months during recovery - your heart attack risk has started to drop and your lung function is beginning to improve.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Kick the Smoking habit with New Hobby

Committing yourself to a new hobby or habit will allow you to gradually kick the bad habit of smoking. Every little thing you do counts and as times goes by, you will find yourself gradually free from your constraints

Occupying yourself with things to do such as mowing the lawn, washing the dishes or washing the car will take you one step closer to eliminating the so called "cool" look adopted mostly by unreal Hollywood actors and actresses.

Try to go to places where smoking is not allowed such as malls, indoor restaurants or simply your home where most residents are non-smoking individuals. The process of quitting smoking is like rehabilitation where some motivation or guidance is necessary to boost that will power of yours.

Trying a substitute for that itchy mouth of yours actually does play a part. Candies, nicotine patches and chewing gums constitute a blockade-like feeling towards that shocking urge.

Go shopping!!! Who says money cant buy happiness??! Take a stroll along the impressive decor of shopping malls. Check out what the latest trends are and better yet, try on some clothes even if it is just for fun. Your mood will be uplifted tremendously as nothing feels better than admiring yourself. After all, loving yourself is the greatest gift of all

Go and play some rigorous sports with your non-smoking friends. In this instance, you will find that your friends performance will automatically signal a wake up call to your state of health. Perspiring more than the rest and perhaps even hyperventilating should be additional "odd" analogy to your buddies.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Reasons to Stop SmOking!!!

  • Brain and nervous system activities are stimulated for a short time and then reduced.
  • A smoker may often experience dizziness, nausea, watery eyes and acid in the stomach.
  • Appetite, taste and smell are subsequently weakened.
  • Smoking during pregnancy can affect the unborn child, and babies are more likely to be born underweight, premature or be stillborn.
  • Passive smoking, where a person is subject to breathing in cigarette smoke of others, can cause lung damage, including cancer and heart disease.
  • Risk of developing respiratory infections such as pneumonia and chronic bronchitis.
  • Risk of developing emphysema ( a progressive and potentially fatal lung disease).
  • Risk of developing heart attack and coronary disease.
  • Risk of developing cancer of the lungs, throat, mouth, bladder, kidney, pancreas, cervix and stomach.
  • Smoking one cigarette immediately raises a person's blood pressure and heart rate and decreases the blood flow to body extremities such as the fingers and toes.

Smoking Dangerous to Family

If you area a family man especially, smoking has really serious consequences to your family members...
  1. Exposure to second hand smoke which is two times more risky/hazardous than first hand smokers.
  2. Children usually imitate adults whether consciously or subconsciously. They are likely to pick up your bad habit later in life.
  3. Starting with smoking at home, children may then experiment with drugs which are more challenging. Challenging in a sense that is harder to obtain drugs because cigarettes could be obtained by children from you at home.
  4. Smoking impairs sports performance due to rapid heartbeat and decreased circulation. From there, intimate relationship could also effected.
  5. Smoking during pregnancy passes nicotine and cancer-causing drugs to your baby. Smoking also keeps your baby from getting essential nourishment and raises the risk of stillbirth and premature birth.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

WhY dO y0u SmOke?

Because I am somehow engaged in this so-called "really good looking" fantasy world!
This is one area where you can point fingers directly towards advertising agencies who are creative enough to manipulate you consciously into smoking. They always portray smoking in a stylish tone and manner, defining what looks good or not, and it is no wonder why you took the bait (at least this is one area that is not really your fault!)
Because ANOREXIA is the disease I am after!!!
Many people believe that smoking keeps their weights down and although it does not really work like a diet pill or supplement, it does suppress your appetite. First of all it is a disease to become obsessive about your weight and you are pursuing a non-existent goal. So why smoke to lose weight when it can result to long-term complications?
Because I like having bad breath
Smoking causes one's breath to stink and also stains teeth. Did you ever feel like you were being avoided especially when trying to speak up close with someone? This is a good time to evaluate your breath by asking for your friends' opinions, or better yet, someone who is close to you. Unless you prefer to be shunned, we suggest you do something about it immediately!!!!

Smoking Causes And Effects

The causes of smoking are well known among most smokers and yet they keep puffing and squandering their money away. It may be all fun and games while you are still young but if the symptoms start to show, recovering may be a torturous journey. If you see adverts portraying melodrama or exaggeration about how a smoking victim suffers, take note, because it could happen to you!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Do You Know?!

  • Nicotine is usually used as an insecticide.
  • A smoker is likely to die six times faster from different related mouth cancers.
  • The most common places where oral cancer forms are on the tongue, gums and floor of the mouth.
  • Nicotine has similar effect on the body as other illegal drugs, activating the brain's reward system by setting off addictive substances. There are also some studies which have suggested that nicotine may even be more addictive than other illegal drugs!!!
  • Men who smoke cigarettes are most likely to have erectile dysfunction, as a smoker's risk of having erectile dysfunction is 16% higher than a non-smoker if one smokes less than 10 cigarettes a day. If one smokes between 11-20 cigarettes a day, one has a 36% higher risk in erectile problems. For men smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day, they have 60% risk of erectile dysfunction!!!
  • 5,000 foetuses die yearly during pregnancy due to smoking. Smoking during pregnancy also increases the risk of producing small underweight babies prone to allergies, brain damage and risking intellectual impairment!!!
  • There are over 4,000 chemical compounds in cigarette smoke and more than 40 of them are known to cause cancer. When a smoker in hales the cigarette, the lungs retain more than 70% on the tar and nicotine that they inhale!!!

The Silent Killer

Nicotine is found in the tobacco plant. It constitutes approximately 0.6 - 3 % of tobacco's dry weight and is biosynthesized in the roots and leaves. Nicotine stimulates your central nervous system. It reduces the blood level in your brain and induces depression, insomnia, irritability, difficulty in concentrating, restlessness, anxiety, etc. Smokers usually feel dizzy and sick when they first inhale the nicotine in tobacco. Gradually the body builds its tolerance level and it soon degenerates to addiction to avoid pain of withdrawal symptoms.
When inhaled, nicotine takes roughly 7 seconds to reach the brain. The amount of nicotine absorbed into the body depends on how much tobacco a cigarette contains and also whether a filter is used. Tobacco chewed (held between the gums and inner lips) or sniffed (inhaled) has stronger effect compared to smoking. While the nicotine is in your body, your liver produces glucose and your adrenal medulla emits epinephrine. Epinephrine cause your heart to beat faster and is believed to evoke an euphoric feeling. Nicotine also produces acetylcholine which depresses brain nerves.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Do's & Don'ts of Lens Care with Makeup

If you're used to wearing makeup and you're starting to wear contact lenses, you'll need to make a few adjustments to your makeup routine so that you don't accidentally damage your lenses with makeup.
Making yourself look good, whether it's your skin, hair or even your eyes, usually just comes down to the basic rule; keep it clean. However, there might be some tricks to keep your eyes and lenses clean that you haven't considered.


  • Thoroughly clean your hands before applying your lenses. Even residue from moisturisers or cleansers can cause various problems to your eyes and lenses, so wash up!
  • Make sure your lenses are applied before your makeup
  • Slowly apply your eye shadow and eyeliner. Rushing to do the job might cause you accidentally damage your lenses.
  • Prevent your mascara eyeliner from getting into your lenses by using only water-resistant mascara and eyeliner.
  • Replace your mascara every month and your eyeliner every three months.
  • Always remove your lenses before removing your makeup.
  • Never leave eye makeup on for more then a day because the residue could get into your eyes and stick on your lenses.
  • Use an oil-free hypoallergenic makeup remover.


  • Do not wear your lenses or apply make up on your eyes if they're swollen, red or infected.
  • Do not share your makeup with anyone else.
  • Do not share your contact lenses (extremely unhygienic!)
  • Do not apply eyeliner inside of your lashes.
  • Do not expose your makeup to extreme temperature because it will alter the chemical composition.
  • Do not wear your lenses to the hair stylist (hair spray and fumes can damage your lenses).

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Steps to Properly Remove Contact Lenses

1. Clean your hands with soap and dry them with a clean hand towel

2. Remember that you ALWAYS have to work from left to right to avoid confusion.

3. Look upwards and pull down your lower eyelid.

4. Use your index finger to touch the lower edge of the lens.

5. Slide the lens down to the lower part of the eye

6. Squeeze the lens gently between your thumb and index finger and remove it.

7. Remove the right lens using the same procedure.

* for me, its easy to put it out than to wear it..

Wearing Lenses Properly

Contact lenses are great substitutes to glasses which tend to fog easily and be misplaced like our wallet/purse and handphone... However, cleanliness is vital towards maintaining hassle-free, comfortable wear.... Below are some proposed steps:

  • Wash your hands to remove any germs and dry them with a clean hand towel
  • Always apply and remove your lenses one at a time in the same order to avoid mix-ups. For example, always remove your left lens from the storage case first.
  • Rinse your lens with the recommended solution to remove traces of debris.
  • Place the lens on the tip of your index finger.
  • Use your other hand to hold up your upper lid and hold down your lower lid. This stops you from blinking.
  • Look upwards and gently place the lens on the lower white part of your eye.
  • Slowly release your eyelids, and shut your eye for a while.
  • Blink a few times to centre the lens on your eye.
  • If you feel any sort of discomfort in your eye, remove your lens and inspect it for any scraches or damages. If it damaged, throw it away. If not, rinse with more solution and reapply.
  • Apply the right lens using the same method as above.

For new user, it must be hard to used it.. but if u not trying how can you would be do it... so try it you self...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Contact Lense Types & Purposes

1. Soft Contact Lenses

Soft contact lenses are the most popular amongst the majority these days. It is made of flexible plastic that allows oxygen to pass through the cornea. It is more comfortable and easily adjusted compared to rigid gas permeable lenses. Nowadays, they are made of silicone-hydrogels to provide more oxygen flow.

2. Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lenses

Rigid gas permeable contact lenses (RGPs) take some time for a wearer to get used to due to its rigid nature. However, they are more durable and resistant to deposit buildup, and generally give a clearer, crisper vision. They tend to be less expensive over the life of the lens since they last longer than soft contact lenses.

3. Extended Wear Contact Lenses

Extended wear contact lenses are usually soft contact lenses. They are meant to be worn overnight or continuously wear ranging from one to six nights up to 30 days. Your eye care professional will first evaluate your tolerance level and he/she will determine the suitable duration to wear.

4. Disposable (Replacement Schedule) Contact Lenses

People obviously treasure convenience; therefore it comes as no surprise that the most popular contact lenses are the disposables. They need not be cleaned and disinfected as compared to regular ones, hence the advantage of complete convenience.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Quick Tips for Lens Care

Here are some quick tips on how to care for your lenses, for those of you in a rush!!!!

  • Thoroughly wash and rinse your hands with soap and rinse them until there is no soapy feeling left before handling your contact lenses
  • Always apply and remove your lenses on at a time in the same manner, to avoid mixing them up
  • Never use anything to clean your lenses except for the recommended multipurpose solutions
  • Never sleep without removing your lenses
  • Clean and disinfect your lenses every time you remove them
  • Keep your multiputpose solution bottles tightly capped when not in use
  • make sure the tips of your solution bottles never touch any other surface besides the cap (that include your fingers, eyes or lenses
  • Always throw away expired multipurpose solutions
  • Never try to scrimp on multiputpose solution by re-using them
  • Never ever share your lenses!
  • Rinse your lens storege containers with multipurpose solution everyday and let it air-dry
  • Dont wear your lenses when you're going anywhere near irritating fumes or vapours
  • Never swim or soak in a tub when you have your lenses on

That all for quick tips....

Contact Lens...

Today, I would like to talk about Contact Lens...

Everyone know what is contact lens.. i just know about it... Its a part of beauty accessory also a way to get the job... Almost everyone wears contact lenses these day. In fact, you cant really tell who is and who isn't and some do not even wear then for vision correction. Athletes wear specific one to have sharper vision while celebrities and Halloween enthusiasts wear coloured ones to go with matching outfits. There are ideal for people who have short-sightedness (myopia) or long- sightedness (hyperopia) where those affected are unable to focus light directly on the retina. In your eyes there is tear fluid floating on the surface, where contact lenses stick. How do contact lenses stay comfortable, one might ask? Lubrication to the cornea is emitted by your eyes when you blink, which helps flush away any impurities that may be stuck to the lenses.

end for this time... I will talk more about this later... BYE....